Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dussinis Mediterranean Bistro rings in the New Year

Picture taken 31 December 2008

I wasn't able to walk around a lot New Years eve, so this will have to be my New Years day celebration.  Here is the info for Dusssini's 

275 Fifth Avenue
San Diego, CA 92101 
Phone: (619) 233-4323 Fax: (619) 233-4614

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Chanukah at the Downtown Chabad Center (Fire On Ice)

Pictures Taken 22 December 2008

This is a picture of a an ice Menorah made for the Downtown Chabad Community Center.  It was originally at the ice rink at Horton Plaza.  It was then moved to the community center.  This is the last photo of it.  A minute after I took the photo it feel over and broke into a multitude of pieces.

The Chabad Community Center is very active. Their info is as follows:
Chabad of Downtown
Rabbi Zalman Carlebach
Tel: (619) 702-8518
Address: 472 Third Avenue (entrance on Island Ave) - San Diego, CA 92101

Located a few blocks from the Convention Center, in the Gaslamp District

Daily Morning Shacharit Services: 7:30am
Friday night Services: Winter 4:30 pm, Summer  6:00 pm  
Shabbat Services: 10:00 am
Shabbat Afternoon B'zman
Sunday 8:30 am
Please note that there is no Eiruv in Downtown San Diego.